Creating happy endings one story at a time...

About Me

Author B. Knox resides in Mooresville, North Carolina and her love for reading is what inspired her to pursue a writing career. She published her first book titled He Gives Me a Feeling Like No Other on April 27th, 2020. Besides writing, B. Knox works in the healthcare field as a Certified Medical Assistant. B. Knox enjoys being a mother to her two young men who is her whole heart in human form. When she’s not writing, she’s enjoying her free time with family, friends, and reading.

New Release


**Blaze and Whitney were introduced in The Endless Dates With My Soulmate series. I would recommend reading the series to better understand the characters. **

After a painful separation, Whitney packs up her kids and moves to Paradise Bay. She has a thriving business and a new love interest.

Blaze makes a terrible mistake by cheating on his wife. Three years later, he realizes his deep love for her and desperately wants to win her back.

Whitney is hesitant to engage with him, still hurt by the pain he caused. But Blaze is persistent, showing her he is committed to making things right.

But is it enough for her to end her relationship with her current boyfriend? Will Blaze be able to redeem himself and their broken relationship?

Coming Soon


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